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  • Mountain Biking May Not Be as Risky as You Think

    If mountain biking is your exercise of choice, go for it. A new study finds that the benefits of this sport outweigh the risks, dashing a common view that it's always dangerous, injury-inducing and meant for thrill seekers.

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  • A parent's playbook for sports screenings

    Summer is winding down, and soon kids will be heading onto the field to play their favorite fall sports. But before they can check into the game, they have to head into the doctor's office for sports screenings.

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  • Prolonged mismatch between calories eaten and burned may be putting many athletes at risk

    The estimated prevalence of relative energy deficiencies (REDs) varies by sport, ranging from 15% to 80%. The syndrome often goes unrecognized by athletes themselves, their coaches, and team clinicians, and may unwittingly be exacerbated by the "sports culture," because of the perceived short term gains on performance from intentionally or unintentionally limiting calorie intake, warns the Statement.

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  • When is the right time to start playing again after a concussion?

    The standard practice for athletes recovering from a concussion is to follow the "return-to-sport strategy," a six-stage program supervised by a health professional that outlines which physical activities are allowed, based on the athlete's symptoms and their severity. Once the stages have been completed, the athlete is considered ready to return to the field.

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  • How fast can young TKA patients get back to sports?

    That’s the question a team of Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve researchers tried to answer with a systematic review of the literature. The team was hoping to quantify to determine rates, timelines, and prognostic factors which can determine how fast young TKA patients return to work and / or return to sports. Their work, “Return to Sports and Return to Work After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” was published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery on July 27, 2023.

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